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Twelve Posts (12 Post)

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John P. Brown, The Darvishes or Oriental Spiritualism, Ed. By. H. A. Rose, Oxford University Press, London, 1927. p. 187-190.

The twelve posts are in remembrance of the twelve Imams, and are as follows:

  1. Is the seat of the Shaikh who personifies ‘Ali.
  2. Of the cook, called the post of Said Ali Balkhi, one of the caliphs of the Order.
  3. Of the breadmaker, called after Bahim (Balim) Sultan.
  4. Of the naqib (Deputy Shaikh), named after Gai Gusus (Kaygusuz).
  5. Of the maidan. It is occupied by the superintendent of the takia, who represents Sari Ismail.
  6. Of the steward of the takia, called after Kuli Achik Hajim Sultan (Kolu Açık Hacım Sultan).
  7. Of the coffee-maker, called after Shazili (Şazeli) Sultan.
  8. Of the bag-bearer, called after Kara Daulat Jan Baba (Karadonlu Can Baba).
  9. Of the sacrificier, called after Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah, or the prophet Abraham of the Old Testament.
  10. Of the ordinary attendant of the services, called after Abdal Musa.
  11. Of the groom, called after Qambar (Kamber), the groom of the caliph Ali
  12. Of the mihmandar, or the officer charged with attending upon the guests of the takia, called after Khizr (Hızır).
  1. Baba Postu, Horasan Postu, Haji Bektash Veli
  2. Aşçı Postu, Post of the Cook, Seyit Ali Sultan.
  3. Etmekçi (Ekmekçi) Postu, Post of the Baker, Balım Sultan.
  4. Nakip Postu, Post of the Warden or Registrar. Kaygusuz Sultan.
  5. Atacı (or Atçı) Postu: Post of the Groom, Kamber Ali.
  6. Meydancı Postu, Post of the Keeper of the Meydan, Sarı İsmail.
  7. Türbedar Postu, Post of the Keeper of the Tomb, Kara Donlu Can Baba.
  8. Kilerci Postu, Post of the Keeper of the Cellars, Şahkulu Hacim Sultan.
  9. Kahveci Postu, Post of the Coffee Maker, Şah Şazeli Sultan.
  10. Kurbancı Postu, Post of the one who kills the Sacrifice, Abraham.
  11. Ayakçı Postu, Post of the keeper of the Shoes, Abdal Musa Sultan.
  12. Mihmandar Postu, Post of the keeper of the Guest House, The Prophet Hızır.
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